Supporters - In Memory Of
page is dedicated to the loving memory of our friends whom
we have lost. Please contact us at
if you would like to create a remembrance here.
DUCHESS 'Her Grace' Davias
8/15/92 – 3/28/05
Lady of all She surveyed,
Unusual girl. Raised with cats, climbing furniture
and meowing when she first arrived.
Always believing she was Super Girl, that she could fly,
Leaping into space, without any fear.
Only lacking the cape
With the big, red "S" to confirm her image.
Big sister to Sadie,
Master planner of jointly-performed, stealthy 'food raid' plots.
Loud Leader of the Pack, until the End.
Creeping like a shadow,
The paralysis took over,
She, 'dying' inch-by-inch, begging release.
Happy, now.
Running all over Heaven,
Loudly barking orders to everyone,
and announcing "Don't you KNOW WHO I AM??
I am The Duchess! And I demand you address me
As 'Your Grace'!!"
We miss you, our opinionated little girl,
Up, up, and away …
WATSON 'Velcro Dog' Davias
4/1/91 – 10/17/00
Cute, dark-eyed boy, just wanting to please.
Always offering 'butterfly kisses'.
Never a bother, always a joy,
HOW could someone have dumped you,
Like trash, by the side of the road, in the cold?
Every day precious … but we never knew,
How short our time together would be.
Now, there's no more pain my sweet, sweet boy.
Only peace, and joy for all time.
Sweet dreams, my Little Lover Boy.
Sleep well …
TICO 'Mighty Hunter' Davias
8/21/67 – 4/14/80
That day I went looking for a golden Cocker puppy,
But couldn't pass your Shelter 'prison cage',
When I read the card that said '2 days left'.
You went home with me, that day, and became my Best Friend.
For 12 years, at my side, through jobs, moves, and marriages.
Master of the 'stealth crawl',
When in search of picnic basket prey.
Brave hunter and proud giver, of field mice, cleanly dispatched ….
Lined up so neatly, on the door step.
Game and ball lover, playing fetch non-stop.
Sharer of my pillow.
I miss you to this day.
And regret.
We should have had more time together.
I still love you, my old friend.
Till we meet again ………
CHARLIE 'Fox Dog' Davias
10/31/87 – 11/12/98
Trained to be a fighting dog, on a far-away island,
By "people" too stupid to see his beautiful, gentle soul.
Treated so horribly, he was still able to trust and love.
Best friend and playmate of 'brother' Barney,
My Protector, my Loving Companion.
How I miss your bright, trusting gaze.
Gone too soon, too fast, without warning.
Without a chance to say 'Good-bye'.
They come into our lives for such a short time,
Every moment is precious.
They drop hair all over the house,
And when they leave,
They rip out a chunk …
of our hearts.
Sleep well, my Bright-Eyed boy ….
loving memory of Burt and Chess
[donation made by Julie Campbell]
loving memory of Baby
[donation made by Ellyce Ratskoff]
d. 11-13-02
Bettina, you left us too soon. George misses you so much.
Rest in peace- hope you find the best pond in Heaven.
d. 11-10-02
met us, that day, as we walked towards our new home.
A one-dog Welcoming Committee.
We found out later, from various sources,
that he had been on his own for over a year,
Living with other disposed dogs, in the jungle,
on a diet of
grubs, coconuts, and lunch-box Twinkies donated by
friendly school children as they waited for their bus.
Abandoned by his loving family when they returned
To the States, because they would have had to pay "Excess
Baggage" charges to ship him to a new home.
"Excess Baggage" dog learned survival Commando
tactics, to dodge Security, as each of his Canine
"family" was captured and removed.
He developed Heartworms, and ear infections,
And acquired several species of worms and ticks.
He became skin and bones, but never lost his
Basic Trust in people.
had not recovered from the trauma of putting to sleep
My Very Best Friend of 13 years, over ten years before.
I did not want to open my heart to that type of pain, ever
But my husband prevailed with "please", Please",
and we took him in and cared for his ills.
taught us the meaning of "Unconditional Love".
Because of the joy and sheer silliness of having him around,
we acquired' another dog to 'keep him company', while
we worked.
When we returned to the States, we took in more 'throw-away'
dogs and gave them the best of food and medical care.
Barney, in turn, taught each of them what it meant to be
of this 'pack' and what was expected of them.
He ruled our home with a firm, yet gentle paw.
passes. And age 'creeps up' upon us all. As Barney slowed,
from Arthritis and age, a Silent Killer grew stronger.
This Iron-Willed dog that had lived though his abandonment;
an adverse reaction to his anesthesia, while being neutered;
who had missed death by days from heartworm-caused heart-occlusion,
who lived though major surgery, at age 14+, to remove his
because it had been invaded by a huge Cancerous tumor and
was hemorrhaging his life away;
Finally could fight no more.
the needle went into his leg, and his life and pain slipped
quietly away. His great heart stopped. And we lost a True
Rest in Peace, our Precious Boy.
You were our Alpha and Omega.
Barney WolfDog James
7/4/88 - 11/10/02
d. 10-31-02
Princess came to me for retirement - she was about 12 years
old, a Ramboulliet wool sheep. Princess was a gentle, peaceful
soul who had large, sweet green eyes. She limped from arthritis
but loved to eat, loved to smell the breeze, and followed
all the younger animals around in her grandmotherly way.
Sometimes she would lean her head against me and rub it
in affection. Princess was a comfort to everyone. She came
to her name when called - though the last month of her life
she seemed to go deaf as she only responded to hand signals.
helped raise my two lambs. One lamb, Spenser, was very shy.
He was afraid of everyone and always hid behind her. As
he grew bigger and started to have horns, he got braver.
He started standing in front of Princess to keep the other
animals from bothering her; they were always together. The
last morning she could not get up any more. He made little
bleating noises and stood over her. Then he went behind
her and lay down to support her body, so that she wouldn't
fall over backwards. At last, Princess lay her head gently
in my hands and half-closed her eyes. Spenser stayed with
us, and Princess was at peace.
made in Princess' name by Ginny May.

Star, d. 7-24-02
Queen of the grunts and the binkies. Big mama, soulful eyes.
Little Andy misses you.
Donation made in Star's name by Barbara Johnson and Edwina.